October 26, 2013

My Deep Dark Secret

I'm going to let you in on a secret of mine that no one in the world knows about me. Are you ready for it? OK, here it goes...

I am deeply religious.

I have a strong believe with all my heart and soul. I can't control my urge to spread the good word about what has changed my life. I believe that everyone can be positively affected by my religion... Crossfit. It doesn't matter so much what Crossfit is. More important is what it does to its followers.

Crossfit's competitive environment is the main reason I love it so deeply. It is a competition in who can be the most open to others. People join Crossfit and feel a desire to accept one another. They see people of all different backgrounds and know that when together, they are not to judge, but to help one another. The focus is not on skill level, though we have absolute measures. We see humanity and work together to grow as a whole, but also to build each other as individuals.

The emotional connection Crossfitters have for one another is deep. We can go to any Crossfit center around the world, and we understand each other immediately. Crossfitters from everywhere speak the same language. Today, I did Crossfit in a group of four and, though none of us were from the same country, we shared something special.

If we are all so connected, why do I call it a competitive atmosphere? This is where the true beauty of Crossfit lies. It is a place where we are given a set of instructions, and we look to achieve the goal set for us but in our own way. We have to modify certain things based on our past experiences, on our strengths and on our weaknesses. At the end of a session together, all scores are written publically. There are winners and losers, but the journey to get to those scores is where the magic happens.

Each individual must push themselves to new depths. They look to a place inside themselves that they dare not go in their everyday lives. It is clear when watching Crossfitters how deep they dig. Though everyone wants to be #1 on the scoreboard, we somehow understand how things will turn out before we even begin. This however does NOT stop us from pushing our limits. For the short battle, we learn more about ourselves. Crossfitters simultaneously want to win, and want their competitors to shine. This is the secret of life.

SEE ALSO: My Deep Dark Secret


  1. As a runner, I know how you feel (although I wouldn't call running a religion, since it does not include a supreme being, an explanation of the creation and purpose of the universe or a universal moral code). Runners stretch their physical limits in training and in races, and balance their competitiveness with respect for other runners who do the same. There is an unspoken code of respect, and in some cases, love between runners, especially those who have trained and raced together. Although it is not the source of their livelihood and does not create value, running stretches our physical and mental limits and gives us a sense of euphoria and accomplishment that stands out in a sometimes drab world.

  2. I agree with the anonymous commenter. What you said also applies to running! I have written about it in my running blog, how runners understand each other without even having to speak to each other when we meet on the road or the race track. I like Crossfit, and given a different financial circumstance, I would probably be a follower too. In the meantime, I do my occasional WODs at home and I'm happy with it :)

  3. I'm glad to see that you connected to my idea.

    @Anon: It seems you agree with me. I will however address your interpretation of the term "religion." Growing up in a secular world, I define religion as something that uplifts me to new levels. Having experienced cultures where spirituality is a daily practice, it is clear to me how under-developed the West is spiritually. Other than the ultra-religious who pray multiple times daily, I believe that Westerners see religion as a once/week affair, and an excuse to celebrate holidays. It is often used to find a mate, or for community, but rarely for pure spiritual fulfillment. Spirituality is almost completely missing in the way I perceive Westerners in their practice of religion.

    Crossfit provides me with a deep desire to improve. It teaches me to be honest with myself, to be humble and to support others. It provides me with confidence and gives me something to strive for. The constant challenge pushes me to new levels and teaches maturity. "Religion" as you define it is completely neutral to me. It is more a culture to me. I connect with Crossfit on a spiritual level whereas religion makes me feel limp.

    @Aleah: I'm happy to hear that running provides community and understanding between people.
