I have always paid my taxes, always voted in major elections, always followed the laws of the land. However, my government has betrayed me. It has not followed its end of the bargain, so I left. I don't believe in sulking, taking taxpayer money from the government, or being a voiceless member of a protest. I chose to leave. The best way to be heard is to vote with your feet and with your wallet.
My entrepreneurial skills are more rewarded outside of America, so I'll go where my hard work is appreciated. I am not a follower of either of the two parties that run the US government. They are both war parties, they both believe in spying on their citizens, they both believe that the capital of its people is better in government hands than to be utilized by the people. My contribution to society in creating jobs and building businesses no longer goes to the US. In my free market paradigm, I choose to be productive elsewhere.